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Sensing Climate

Created by Liz Crow
Performance in progress 2024 to 2026

In an echo of the project’s initials, 'S' and 'C', three small circles, each inside its own larger circle, broken open, all in a shade of bright blue. Two are stacked, facing right. The third faces left, almost interlocking the others. To the right are the words 'Sensing Climate'.


RGP is undertaking a performance work under the auspices of Dr Sarah Bell and the University of Exeter’s Sensing Climate research project to research climate change and disability.

Artist Liz Crow will undertake a creative response to the topic, performing a series of small scale actions between October 2024 and May 2026, each to be completed within a day. For each action, Liz will head into a natural landscape, working with natural materials to perform an activity and explore an idea relating to aspects of climate change and disability. Each action will be captured in stills and/or video to produce a collection of striking images.

Between actions, Liz will write, with the images produced offering a route into an accompanying text, which will develop the themes, learning and processes of the actions. Across the project, common themes and associations will emerge and overlap between disparate actions, with the combined works leading to an integrated output (exhibition, book, performance lecture… to be determined as the project unfolds). Additionally, there will be at least two short moving image works produced from selected performances.

Conducted as part of the Sensing Climate project, led by the University of Exeter and funded via a Philip Leverhulme Prize in Geography.


Crow, Liz (2024) Sensing Climate, Roaring Girl Productions [online] [Available at:] [Accessed 22/10/2024]