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21 Things to Remember

Produced and directed by Liz Crow
2 minute drama 2003
With audio description and captions


12-year old Ruby has 21 things to remember, so she counts them off on her fingers and toes. But doesn’t she realise she’s going to run out at 20?

21 Things to Remember is a short tale of difference, cheek and perfect practicality.

The film was commissioned for Electric December 2003, the online advent calendar produced by Bristol’s Watershed Media Centre. The theme was ’21′.


Picture This Festival (Canada): Best drama by a disabled filmmaker 2005



  • UK

    London Disability Film Festival
    National Film Theatre
    Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts
    World Bank training on disability inclusion
    South West Disability Film Festival
    Selected for British Film Institute archives
    Women Can festival

  • Canada

    Picture This Festival, Calgary

  • Denmark

    Danish Disability Film Festival

  • US

    Reel Life festival, Dearborn, Michigan
    George Washington University, DC.

  • Germany

    Wic Wir Leben/The Way We Live, Munich


  • 21 Things to Remember

    Produced & Directed by
    Liz Crow

    Fingers, toes & spoken prose
    Ruby Spencer-Pugh

    Things to remember
    Jonathan Adashek
    Balcarras School
    Liz Crow
    Brett Davidson
    Leila Hubbard
    Mr Johnson
    Martine Morray
    James Riordan

    Hidden Talent
    Cathy Lewis
    Mark Henderson

    Hetty Hope

    Roaring Girl Productions


  • Online treat...a film to remember

    Bristol Evening Post
  • Great script - well told, humorous story

    Picture This Film Festival
  • Brilliant! I have actually watched it five times so far this evening.

    George Washington University, DC

To cite this page: Crow, Liz (2003) 21 Things to Remember, Roaring Girl Productions [online] [Available at:] [Accessed 16/02/2025]